Sunday, March 7, 2010

Week in Review 2/28-3/6

TV IS BACK!!!! WOOT! Let's get right to it, cuz there was so much going on this week!

DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES: I wish Bob and Lee were my neighbors. Partly because my neighbors are annoying, but mostly because Bob and Lee are awesome. More of them, please! All straight men that have been watch DH with their girlfriends/wives were justly rewarded this week, as Julie Benz spent every one of her scenes in lacy lingerie. You're welcome, men! Sorry tho - I can guarantee Robin won't be sticking around, Julie Benz was cast on No Ordinary Family, a fall pilot on ABC with Michael Chiklis and Autumn Reeser. I'm so there! And why am I never allowed to like Sam Page (Bree's crazy new assistant)? He always plays a douche.

CHUCK: Wow.  What a friggin fantastic episode! Shirtless Awesome and Brandon Routh. Zachary Levi gave his best performance to date by a landslide, and that is saying something, because he is always great. Emmy idiots voters, take notice!! And we found out Sarah's real name is Sam!!!! Can't wait for this week's ep directed by Chuck himself! Bring it!

HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER: Okay, I love this show. It's friggin hysterical and 2/5 of the cast are Whedonverse people, so score! BUT, how long are we going to have to wait to find out the mother. Bob Saget is telling the longest story ever. Poor Lyndsey and David (actors who play the kids) are old enough to have their own kids by now!! Dear writers: figure out a way to give us the mother! However, HIMYM is winner of funniest/grossest line of the week: " Our girl parts are like a spiderweb. Sometimes you are going to catch stuff you don't want."  Really, Robin? Really??

LIFE UNEXPECTED: This is just one of many shows that proves the hypothesis that the coolest parents probably had their kids at 16. 
DAMAGES: Tom's wife is a bitch. Just saying...  Also, I found the sounds of the subway (clearly filmed on an actual subway, not a subway set) oddly soothing. I miss it. Can't wait to ride those lovely smelly subways in a few months.

24: UGH. Good points: Hastings grew a pair. Omar's hair somehow grows bigger the crazier he gets. That's not necessarily good, just funny. Bad stuff: Dana and Cole were gone the whole hour and no one seemed to notice or care! Really? Why did the kid jump out of a window, clearly break his leg, and Jack couldn't catch up with him?? I know he is old, but he is in good shape.  And you know, both his legs were working!!  Just ugh.

THE GOOD WIFE: Great episode!!!! Matt Czuchry was in great form this week especially taking on Santa. I love him. Hoping we can work out the junior associate thing soon. And because the cast wasn't awesome enough - Alan Cumming is on now! hurray! Bonus to the episode - some mocking of Sarah Palin.  Good times!

PARENTHOOD: I hope you are all watching this show. The cast is A. Maze. Ing. Even Monica Potter, who I normally do not like at all. But mostly, for me, it's about Lauren Graham. She is fantastic. I take this moment to tell the Emmy voters that now is the time to make up for seven friggin years of ignoring LG for and Emmy nod. Give her one, and by one, I don't just mean the nod, I mean the award!!

THE INBETWEENERS: I will not stop mentioning this show until at least one of you watches it, dammit!! BBC America, Wendesday nights. 9:30pm (Or 6:30 depending on your feed.)

COUGAR TOWN: I think the awesomeness of this show can be summed up with this exchange:
Jules (comforting Laurie): We all have embarassing family members.
Bobby (entering the room): Hellooooooooooo!! And that wasn't a coincidence. I was waiting out back for an entrance line.

These characters are fantastic. Love it.

MODERN FAMILY: I can't possibly explain all that is great about the show. If you somehow aren't watching it, just do it. Not having ABC is not an excuse - hulu it people.

PSYCH: The episode was good. I like all the extra Henry, but found him flirting with Jeri Ryan to be a bit icky. It's like watching your own dad flirt! What this show highlighted, for me, is that the show is funniest when Gus/Shawn are silly together. The end where they just stood there harassing Lassiter with the newspaper had me rolling. There hasn't been enough of that this season.  Looking forward to next weeks season finale (already?!) with the return of the Yin Yang Killer! And, unfortunately, Abigail.
SOUTHLAND: This show is finally back (go screw yourselves, NBC) and is better than ever. Regina King is standout. I highly recommend picking this one up. Please give it good ratings so TNT will keep it.  Again, go screw yourselves, NBC!!

WHITE COLLAR: This episode highlighted just how strong this bromance has become. I love how Peter and Neal really do care for each other. And speaking of Neal... Diane Neal was on! Get it? Whatever, I'm tired. 

COMMUNITY: Sigh...... Joel McHale naked! What they didn't warn us about was to see Joel naked, we had to see the scary old man naked too! Highlight of the naked scene (besides the obvious): Annie checking out Jeff. Sorry Britta, I like Annie way better. Speaking of Annie, love love love that when Abed became Don Draper, she was attracted to him. Because we know even though she is married to Pete Campbell, she wants Don Draper. Great Abed storyline this week! This cast is hysterical.

PARKS AND REC: Ron Swanson is the shiz. Nuff said.

THE OFFICE: Instead of really getting into all the baby stuff (John Krasinski, you should have an emmy nom for that performance!), I'd instead like to just address my BFF, who is going to have her first child next month...
Hey Nicole! I have 4 words for you: Do. Not. Be. Pam.  In anyway at all. Seriously. It was like a how not to have a baby movie! I love you and miss you and can't wait to see the nudger!!

GREY'S ANATOMY: Glad Hotness Monster and Meredith were bonding. Because he needs to be her brother-in-law. Am I right??

PRIVATE PRACTICE: I love wheelchair guy. Is it wrong to call him that? I think his name is Fife? I don't know. But he's awesome.

BURN NOTICE: What a fun season finale! In 44 minutes they did so much more than most 90 minute action movies. Garrett Dillahunt was amazing as always.  Fun seeing him so emotive, since I'm still used to seeing him very robotic on Sarah Connor Chronicles.  You know, cuz he was a robot. And a shout out to Sharon Gless. She turned what could have been a ridicuolous and unnecessary character into part of the team. She does fantastic work on this show, and while I know she will never be recognized for it - she totally deserves a ton of accolades! Can't wait for the show to return!

PROJECT RUNWAY/MODELS OF THE RUNWAY: Normally, I leave this to Jennifer Eolin to blog, but I was so mad about what happened here that I had to say: Emilio, you are dead to me! First of all, you should have gotten the boot for that "outfit" and I use the term loosely. But Holly rocked it, cuz she is an Amazon Goddess. And what do you do to repay her for walking practically nude down the runway and probably being the reason for you sticking around another week?? YOU CHANGE MODELS! Go eff yourself you big douche. Silver Lining: Holly was picked by Amy who is clearly the better designer and Alexis (crazy ass evil Cameron Diaz) got auf'd. Seriously, can not believe that happened.

CAPRICA: I don't care if James Marsters is 47 and is biologically old enough to be my young (albeit a young one, but still), he is great and I love him. More Barnabus!!

SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE: Best. Monolgue. Ever.  Maybe not ever, but in as long as I can remember. The rest of the show - alright. But the monologue was hysterical! Watch it, please. LAUGHTER!!! I had tears streaming down my face. Zach Galifinakis is a comic genius.  Thank you The Hangover for showing America how awesome he is. Oh, and if you want another laugh, watch this digital short too.

And tonight.... The Oscars!! Hurray! So You Think You Can Dance fans, keep an eye out because A LOT of the dancers hired are former SYTYCD contestants.  Woohoo!
Hurray for having TV back.  Ok, I guess I should go do school work now.  Boooooo.

1 comment:

Erin the Fabulous said...

Howdy! I agree, could The Good Wife get any better?! I do not think so, but Alan Cummings, maybe we will get some uninteded laughs (he always makes eyebrows that make me laugh). How will they get rid of either jr ass? Hahaha. emilio is a ginormous douche, but yes karma worked out to her advantage by getting Amy. Although I want to be Jay's model... or maybe just a model in general and not a plus sized one! Ahhhh, Pam breast feeding the wrong baby, I about died.